Jesse Cox left a legacy in hopes that it would allow the hardest working students of Indiana to achieve and have access to a higher education, and that is exactly what it did for me. I am forever grateful to the Cox Scholar Program.

Tell us about your work placement experience.

At my work placement I get to engage with the students at Fairview Elementary school, helping them with in-class assignments, one-on-one tutoring, extra homework help, small group work, and playing games with them during recess. I have found a passion in helping the class that I am paired with, and I do not see it as work because I enjoy it so much. I have made so many memories at Fairview and have had the privilege to watch my students grow academically and as people every year.

What is something you have learned through your work?

I learned what it means to be a leader and a role model for students younger than myself, and that I have more to offer the students than I initially realized when I first started my work freshman year.

How will being a part of the Cox Scholars Program help you in the future?

Being a part of the Cox Scholar Program will help me in the future by leaving me with experiences and teaching me traits such as community engagement and leadership that I can continue to use in all aspects of my life moving forward.

What is your favorite memory as a Cox Scholar?

My favorite memory as a Cox Scholar was the fall retreat that all the Engagement scholars went on. It gave my cohort time to bond and get closer to one another.

What do you do outside of the Cox Scholars Program?

I enjoy going to the gym, playing basketball, hanging out with my girlfriend, and going out to new restaurants with my friends.